gout treatment

Phases and Symptoms of Gout

It is relatively common for people with certain chronic diseases to also develop gout. Some of the most commonly associated with this disease are obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia (increased fat in the blood), kidney disorders, leukemia and certain types of anemia. Men, generally, are more susceptible to the disease; and in the case of women, gout tends to occur particularly after menopause. All this said, there are plenty of gout remedies on the market that can help people deal with this disease.

Doctors distinguish from three phases in the occurrence of gout:

The first is completely asymptomatic and corresponds to increased uric acid in the blood.

Following the formation of crystals in the joints, which will create the most characteristic symptom of gout, acute attacks of gout occur. As the name suggests, this attack tends to occur suddenly, affecting one or more joints. The patient suffers severe pain, which usually begins at night and goes on for days or weeks. Externally, the skin is warm and red and is extremely sensitive to the touch (it can get annoying with any other physical contact). As a secondary symptom, sometimes fever may occur. If a person is dealing with these symptoms, they should see their local physician and see what gout remedies are available to them.

The third phase would be the chronicity of the disease, called gouty arthritis. This occurs when repeated attacks are ongoing, which may occur long after the first time it happens. The reappearance of these symptoms usually last longer in time, and usually affects a greater number of joints. Once a person is past the attack, the symptoms disappear completely, at least at the beginning of the disease. It becomes chronic when the attacks begin to repeat themselves, and the time between one episode and the next will decline. At this point, finding a gout remedy is a must.

In cases where gout has continued for many years, the common occurrence of tophi is seen. These are bumps that form around the joint as a result of the buildup of crystals over others. These formations are painless but can become ulcerated or may form a fistula, letting out a whitish substance (urate crystals). Tophi are usually located on the elbows, joints of the hands, Achilles tendon and other various joints. Besides the typical clinical picture, there are numerous complications associated with gout. Contact a local physician and see what gout treatment is right for you. In some cases, gout treatment may be herbal or could be through a prescription.